
Volunteers Are Our Core

Consider volunteering a weekend a month to help run the museum during operating hours.  Come in and help us complete Research Requests. Get on our volunteer call list for projects.  Or, join a unit of the Reenacting Corps! 

Are you interested in volunteering with the World War II History Center?  We have many volunteer opportunities available of all types listed below.  If there are any that interest you or you would like to learn more about, send us an e-mail or contact us by phone

At this time, the World War II History Center is particularly in need of volunteers who can help keep the Center open regular hours.  We are currently open Saturdays, 12:00am to 4:00pm, except holidays.  If you are able to do things like receive visitors, run a basic cash register, and operate easy programs on computers, then we would like your help. 

Contact us by e-mail at contactus@wwiihistorycenter.org or by phone at (316) 322-8753.