Research Database
A listing of Military Personnel, Military Units, and Naval Vessels that served during World War II, on which we have information.
Unfortunately, due to lack of volunteers and staffing, we are unable to perform research requests at this time. We will, however, leave up our database for you to search, and as always, our library is open to the public for use.
Please contact us if you have further questions.
Again, sorry for the inconvenience.
How Do I Use the Research Database?
Use the Google Search toolbar at the top of our website or browse through the subpages. We have 22,000+ entries and counting! Our database has a list of people, units and naval vessels. Each entry has a set of numbers that follow it. Each number correlates to a resource in our Research Library. Come in to our library to use our library computer to look up the resource number and find the book, magazine, or article on the topic!
What if I can't find the name I am are looking for?
If you can't find the name you are looking for, but have some information yourself, we would like to have the information, photos, correspondence, records, etc. that you have. If you would like to have a name added to the database, please send us the information you have regarding a person, unit, or ship, and we will add it. Please let us know where you found the information, and if possible, please send us copies of original documents. Thank you for your help!