Research Library
The World War II History Center Research Library is working to be one of the most comprehensive libraries on the subject of World War II in the country. The library contains 2,644 resources including books, periodical articles, photos and original documents. These resources cover subjects ranging from weapons and the Waffen SS to correspondence and cartoons. The library is open to the public during regular business hours, or by appointment. Below is an index of the library's collection.
Donations of additional resources are welcome.
Members have access to our a Lending Library.
Books (488)
Documentary Films (47)
Documents (17)
Military Manuals (24)
Oral Histories (sound recordings) (20)
Oral Histories (transcripts) (5)
Oral Histories (video) (2)
Pamphlets (15)
Periodicals (202)
After the Battle (5)
America in WWII (14)
Collier's (40)
Coronet (2)
Cosmopolitan (1)
Field Artillery Journal (4)
Harper's Bazaar (1)
History of the Second World War (128)
History of the World Wars (12)
Liberty (15)
Life (2)
Look (1)
Miscellaneous (2)
National Geographic (2)
Photoplay (1)
The Saturday Evening Post (1)
Successful Farming (1)
The American (7)
The Santa Fe Magazine (1)
World War II (45)
WWII History (31)
Yank, The Army Weekly (104)
Sheet Music (5)
Unit Histories (22) (Not in book form)
Unit Reunion Bulletins and Newsletters (18)
Unit Rosters (2)