Become a Member today! Or, give the gift of Membership!
Our Members are the most important part of our organization. Without them, we would not have an operating museum. Without an endowment to operate from, we rely on ordinary citizens who support and believe in our mission to send in their membership fees which pays for things like electricity, gas, security and insurance. These bills may not be as glamorous as sponsoring exhibits or programs, but without them, we could not do any of the fancy things that having an operating museum allows us to do. So please help us keep our doors open by sending in your new membership application today, or renewing every year.
Standard Membership Levels
Renew at full price every year
$20 - Discount - Only full-time students, senior citizens (65 and older), and military veterans are eligible for this level. 10% discount on PX Merchandise and one free listing of a name on our Those Who Served Index.
$20 - WWIIRC Member - Only members of the WWII Reenacting Corps are eligible for this level. All benefits of the Discount membership
$35 - Individual - 10% discount on PX merchandise and one free listing of a name on our Those Who Served Index.
$105 - Patron/Family - (2 Adults and immediate children up to 18 yrs. of age) This level receives one free listing of a name on the World War II History Center Tribute Gallery. 15% discount on PX merchandise.
$255 - Benefactor - This level receives the above, plus one free listing of a name on the World War II History Center Memorial to the World War II Generation. 15% discount on PX merchandise.
Printable Membership Form (.pdf file)
In order to become a member, select one of the following levels, fill out the information required below, and submit the contribution associated with the level you have chosen.
Each membership level is entitled to a membership card, free museum admission, a discount in our gift shop, a subscription to the quarterly newsletter, and a receipt for your tax records.
Save time and safely purchase your membership now! PayPal and all major credit cards accepted. Just select your membership level and press "Pay Now."
Lifetime Membership Levels
The levels below are lifetime for persons born before 1946.
Please indicate your birth year when submitting your application to be eligible for the lifetime membership.
$500 - President's Club - This level receives all entitlements listed above. One name can be listed on the World War II History Center Memorial to the World War II Generation per $250.
$1,000 - Founder's Club - This level receives all entitlements listed at President's level.
$2,500 - Gold Club - This level receives all entitlements listed at President's level.
$5,000 - Patriot's Club - This level receives all entitlements listed at President's level.
$ Other - Any amount entered here above $250.00 will receive all of the entitlements listed above.
Checks and money orders should be made out to:
World War II History Center
119 W. Central Ave.
El Dorado, KS 67042
Pay for Membership with a major credit card or by PayPal:
The World War II History Center Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation.
Contributions are tax-deductible within the limits prescribed by law.
Our EIN Tax# is 05-0631890. Our 501 (c)(3) tax letter can be found here.